Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Work with what....

....your Momma gave ya pantry has in it!

And child, the pantry contents were slim after a weekend gallivanting around WPB.

Crack open those cans and toss it all together with 2 hard boiled eggs.

The mix of tuna and navy beans, was coming together a little bland, even with the addition of olives and spices.  Usually I would reach for a lemon here, but 3 guesses if I had a lemon in the whole abarnment.

No worries, the bare cupboard called in backups from the refrigerator.

Perfect little zing I was looking for.

Just like Tim Gunn says, make it work.
 Yes sir, done and done!

Love to all,
~the "hey, I can get creative too" gal, Jess


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