Friday, March 12, 2010

No future as a tight-rope walker.....

So, it's a really good thing that I'm not looking for a career change...well, yet anyways. They haven't announced the cuts at my school yet- I don't think any principal is crazy enough to do that during FCAT week, because I'm sure some teachers would just walk out. Oh State of Florida, how you love to "freak" with the education system.....and shocking we are ranked 14th out of the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia. Not sure how that happened....hahah.

Anyways, if I was looking for a new job it wouldn't be as acrobat, because I have absolutely no balance in my life. Not only can I not balance my body, which is very ironic, since I was classically ballet trained for nearly 11 years of my life (thank you college and Taco Bell for that one), I still am really struggling balancing work, a work-out schedule and a social life.

See, I really thought I had it together the past few weeks. I've been going to the gym a few days after work, I've been actually doing stuff for myself at night (you know, reading, playing with music, doing personal research- not blogging! haha), I've been meeting friends for dinner, drinks, movies after the gym- oh and I've been getting my school work done too- by waking up at 3-4am in the morning.

So, basically I get anywhere from 4-8 hours of sleep a night, depending on the night and what all is going on, and well, my body hates me. Because my body requires 9 hours of sleep every night to stay healthy. And I know this. I've known this since I was about 7 years old. BUT my mental healthy suffers if I'm not spending time with friends and working, the age old delima remains: physical health or mental health?

Sadly I chose physical heath tonight. After a late night yesterday filled with spinning classes, sushi, seeing Alice in Wonderland with a old high school friend and a rather late bedtime I was dead by the time school was out today- so I had to cancel my Body Pump/Sweaty Thai Food date with 2 of my favorites and came straight home and slept for about 4 hours.

Cause tomorrow life continues. With a tickets to see Fall of Troy play their last Florida Venue (they are my first hardcore loves and after 9 years together they are going their separate ways), and a "date" night with my bestie bride to be- all of which is in Orlando....and since I'm in my beloved O-town we HAVE to get brunch, plus I'm picking up my flooring from IKEA. So life goes on, nasty head cold or not.

Now I'm off to pour more tea down my obnoxiously sore throat, finish another box of tissues and curl back into bed, for at least 8 more hours of sleep.

Do any of you lovelies have a betraying body? How do you balance it all?

Love to all,
~the frustratedly snotty, Jess


Brittany Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, hun, don't worry! I feel the same lack of balance all the time, and various things always have to give! That's life, especially as a teacher. I pray for the day I've got it all together, but I'm not holding my breath:) That's why we have summers!

Small Town Girl said... Best Blogger Tips

Jessica I love your blog! I have seriously got to get with the program and shape up after reading this. Loving the food pics.

This is exactly what I need to be doing at work. Yahoo!

Also I love food and I love yoga. I think we are soul sisters.

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