Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Forget SMART Goals, These are KIND Goals

BE KIND. No, it's not an acronym. This is my goal for 2012. Be Kind.

Simple, yes? I got the idea of a "word goal" from Rachel Wilkerson, who is all about the verb goals. Rachel says that verbs are great goals or resolutions because verbs are what "get things done." I think her logic makes perfect sense, but of course I couldn't just pick a simple verb. No, I chose an adjective. Kind is a description. But throw "be" in front, and by God if I don't have a verb on my hands after all!

So, what does "Be Kind" mean? Well, that's just the beauty of it. Being kind applies to nearly all aspects of your life. (Well, I guess if your goal for 2012 was to be more assertive, "be kind" wouldn't be such a great goal, but this gal knows how to speak up for herself and those she cares about. Just ask my boss.)

This year, 2012, I have declared the year of kindness.

I will be kind:

To my health
by snacking on more raw veggies
by resting, so I don't wear myself thin so often-even if that means I'm "lame" sometimes
To my body
by training with intention for my first 1/2 marathon (February) and at least 2 more sprint triathlons 
by spending time on my yoga mat at least once a week-either at home or in the studio

To my mind
by reading even more, especially nonfiction
by watching more documentaries and seeking out the hidden from view issues in our modern world

To my soul
by traveling domestically-hello road trips
by attending more cultural events
by living in the moment more and fretting about the future less

To my blog and readers
by finally getting my self-hosted site live
by posting 3 times a week consistently, with worthwhile content
by expanding my knowledge, connections and ideas through attending a blogging conference

To my future
by continuing to save at least 10% of my income each month
by finishing my professional license requirements and determining my next plan of action for continuing education

To my world
by supporting and advocating for local farmers/ranchers and all businesspeople
by investing in companies who have the same values as me
by researching/starting my own small garden in the summer

To my students
by listening to and being patient with them all, no exceptions
by striving to instill in them my own love of learning and puzzlement at the world's wonders

To my family and friends
by staying in touch, even when we lead busy lives
by staying in touch, even when we lead busy lives (yes, that one is worth saying twice)

I hope that 2012 is very kind to you, dear readers. I plan on ensuring this year is kind to me, because what you give, returns in kind.

Love to all,
~the striving to be kind gal, Jess


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Especially the last one!!!! I am adopting!! -Elana

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