Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday CoWorker Baking Time?

Hi all,

No, I'm not actually baking any coworkers, but it is that time of year when even those of us who avoid using the oven for anything beyond roasting of vegetables and whipping up instant from the can biscuits (and I have no shame in saying those are damn good!) to enter the kitchen, roll up our sleeves and get to throwing the flour around. As a side note, I can bake, and quite well actually...I just choose NOT to for 95% of the year! I much prefer tinkering with things on stove-top than the dark recesses of the oven.

It always seems to me that come December 1 my mailbox is flooded with sweets and while I have a sweet tooth with no shame, even I can hit sugar overload before the 25th has arrived. And yes, often I have been a culprit of adding to the sweetrush of the holidays, since I usually make homemade toffee (think like a Heath Bar, but betta!) for my co workers. This year I decided to go the savory route with Cheese & Pecan Biscuit Bites.

For a double batch (makes about 6 dozen bite size biscuits):

1lb shredded sharp cheddar cheese (I used a hand grater for a mini arm workout! hehe)

Then using a pastry blade cut in 2 sticks of butter (I guess you could use margarine too, but you all know by now that I love me some real butter!)

This process takes a little while and some more arm strength, but the goal is to have a somewhat homogeneous mixture when you are finished. (I didn't take pictures for a little while here, probably due to messy hands, or because I get wrapped up in what I'm doing and don't want to stop)

Once the cheese and butter are mixed well add a sprinkle of salt, white pepper and a few generous glugs of Worcestershire sauce and mix again.

Add 4 cups of all purpose flour, one cup at a time, again using the pastry knife until a crumbly dough is achieved. Next kneed the dough until it forms a large smooth ball.

Then you can begin rolling small palm sized balls (like making sugar cookies....) and set them out on a cookie sheet. Lastly top these little boogers with peacan haves (we have this giant bag from a local farm already shelled, so this part was super easy!) and smoosh the balls gently to form little biscuits.

Bake for 12 mins at 375 degrees F and then transfer to a cooling rack

Best enjoyed with a glass of red wine or your favorite brown ale!

I boxed up my biscuits as gifts in these cute little Christmas themed Chinese take-out boxes from Dollar General, plus a cute holiday mug or two for my favorite fun and fabulous teacher friends!

Lined with festive tissue paper of course!

The finished products just waiting to be delivered and consumed over a much earned Christmas Break!

Love to all,
~the busy little baker, Jess

PS. See you tomorrow for some serious bread baking!


The Hollywood Memoirs said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute idea! I'll have to try those.

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