Sunday, September 13, 2009

Work Week Wrap Up!

Hey guys!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend. I've got a lot to share after being MIA for few days, but I'm going to break it down into a few smaller posts for your reading pleasure and my blogging sanity, since it takes my computer 10-15 mins to upload each set of 5 pictures. Oy.

The end of my week was crazy busy but not terribly existing I'm sorry to say. Also, I didn't get to yoga due to a surprise IEP meeting that lasted until 5pm! So uncool.

Here is what I chowed on though:


Breakfast was another round of fried eggs with revamped grits, plus 1/2 a piece of honey toast.If you aren't familiar with grits they tend to get hard and grainy after being refrigerated, even if you heat them up in the microwave. But I've found if you dump them into the fry pan after making your egg they absorb the leftover butter in the pan (yes, I cook my eggs in real butter. I'm am a southern girl after all) and are really tasty.

Lunch is unpictured, since it was an exact repeat of Tuesday's lunch of a veggie burger with crab on top. Still yummy, but let's not beat a dead horse right?

For dinner I went my own road since M&D were having more ribs and I'm still oinked out. I had instead a fillet of blackened snapper and some steamed brock. Simple and satisfying. I rounded out the evening's eats as I worked on lesson plans with a creme filled oatmeal cookie. I think it's one of those Little Debbie snacks. A mystery co-worker left it in my school mailbox a few days prior and it had been staring me down. That's what I get for leaving food next to my computer!

Thursday started out with a giant breakfast sandwich!

2 scrambled eggs with sandwich cheese (that's American to the rest of you....I've always called it sandwich cheese for some reason) and tomato on toast. Seeings how Thursday turned into a long demanding day filled with stress, an angry parent and an overly long afternoon meeting it was a really good thing I "front loaded" with that sammie.

This was my lunch:

Yes, 1/2 a (blurry) Cliff bar. This was my first time trying the blueberry flavor and I loved it! For sure a new fave, but not exactly what I had in mind for lunch. What I brought with me was a mixture of steamed broccoli, rice and extra sharp cheddar drizzled with honey mustard dressing (sounds weird, but it's great stuff, promise!) but I never got to eat it, since I had a student crisis during my lunch break.

Dinner was also unphotographed. I was upset and my Mom started force feeding me (I love you MOM) and before I even realized the error of my ways I had devoured a lovely plate of tuna salad on a bed of lettuce with some extra sharp Cheddar and crackers.

Friday started off with a prayer for no repeats of Thursday and an egg on toast.

That's what it looks like served up, but this is what it really looks like while I'm eating. Lovely? errr, or not. But very tasty.

Lunch is a transported version of what my unphotographed diner was. Tuna salad with crackers and cheese plus some pickled okra. Smelly but delicious.

I had a dinner date on Friday, but was getting hungry while I graded papers awaiting "my date's" I had some Garden Goldfish. Don't be confused like I was...these aren't garden flavored (although, who the heck came up with "garden" flavor anyways...wouldn't a garden really taste like dirt and stems?) they just have a serving of veggies in them somehow. Don't know what weird magic they did on these babies, cause they taste just like regular goldies....

To catch the rest of my Friday see my next post...coming at you later today!

Back to the test grading/cirriulum mapping/ not napping of my overly booked Sunday.

Love to all,
~a wondering why tests won't grade themselves, Jess


Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Hope your Sunday wasn't too busy!!

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