Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Can you say....

...comfort food?

I hope so, cause that is what I have in store for you today!

The weather may be wonderful and while I want to gallivant about in the mild fall air like my silly pups did on our walk this evening, I was inside sniffing and trying to appease 90 whinny high schoolers. But it's nearly Friday, so all is well.

You can tell I'm not feeling 100% just based on my meals today:

Breakfast was a mega green monster packed with a whole banana, tons of spinach, almond milk, and Naturally More PB.

For lunch I had a delicious bowl of butternut squash soup with greek yougurt and some of the Archer Farms "Handful of Everything" trail mix, that is SO good!
Dinner was about as classic as you can get, and even though I cooked this meal it was my Dad's request. Beanie Weenies and Mac n' Cheese. My beanie weenies are actually pretty healthy, since we use chicken dogs and plain canned beans to which I added ketchup, brown sugar, cayenne pepper and a splash of Dijon mustard. Pretty tasty, but I won't be craving this meal again.
Basic food equals a basic post. Have a great night everyone!

Love to all,
~a sleepy and semi-stuffy, Jess


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