Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday Sunday...Sunday Monday?

Hello All,
I must say as much as I was grousing a bit about the whole working weekend I have ended up having a very pleasant, productive and semi relaxing holiday! I really enjoyed have an extra "Sunday" on Monday! I got quite a bit of work done today, including braving the roof top with my Dad to get a lesson on fastening and waterproofing flashing, got all my papers graded for my students, revised my lesson plans for the week, worked on my new curriculum map (worked on is a loose term here, I finally found the correct version of the new Course Descriptions...the FL DOE website had the ones from 1998 still up! What? Who would have thought that there would be an entirely different website to go on! But I found them and now I know!) and squeezed in a run, some pool time and a lengthy chat with my Godmother. Phew what a day! And if I can manage to get this post up in a recent amount of time I might have more time to cuddle with my puppster and my new novel: Adored by Tilly Bagshawe Such a great read! I will be checking out her other novels, that is for sure!

Before I dive into the meat of my post I wanted to share this amazing photo with you:

Yes, this is what a real woman looks like! Actually Lizzi Miller and I could nearly be body twins, so this picture and this article in Glamour really made my day. Please check it out, we should all praise the power femininity in every form, everyday!

Yay for curves and strong women! Speaking of strong, lets talk about my legs...haha, just kidding. While my legs are pretty damn strong and I love every inch of my thighs for their power they weren't helping me on my run today. It was my first attempted run since the onset of my head cold from hell last week and well, I could tell. Between my not totally mucus free airways, "lazy" legs from nearly a week off and the massive amount of sugar sand building in our driveway (we need some rain, it's so nice to run when it's packed, but think fluffy beach sand when its dry! oy) it was a tough 1.25 miles. Between all the above and "losing" my dog as he went off on his own agenda I still manged it in 14min, which breaks down to something around an 11min mile. I'm pretty pleased, especially since that included quite a few walk breaks today. I hope to get another run in tomorrow and then am beyond excited that mom and I are trying out a new yoga studio on Wednesday! I not only want to go to class, I NEED it. I've been doing some practice on my own, but it's really hard to get focused sometimes. Can't wait to tell you guys all about it!

Now on to today's eats. As I eluded to they are a bit "meaty" today. Perhaps a little too much for even my taste, as you will soon see.

Breakfast was lovely though. Scrambled eggs with mushroom and leftover maple sausage from yesterday's "Sunday Breakfast" topped with hot sauce of course and some honey toast! A cup of mocha coffee rounded out this yummy day starter.
I nibbled on some old school chocolate Teddy Grams that someone left in my school mailbox last week with milk. Something about grading papers makes me want to snack like a kid too! haha.

I never really had a "lunch" but made this snack plate to enjoy poolside once I had cooled down after my run. (you can assume every time I go for a run I jump in the pool. Seriously the best way to end a run, at least in the FLA humidity!)Shrimp and pineapple from last night's "bar food" dinner, celery, cucumber and green pepper sticks with lite bleu cheese dressing to dip and some cheese and crackers. So tasty. Really hit the spot for me.

In fact I was still so happy with my snack that when dinner rolled around I wasn't really feeling it.

An amazing pear salad with Cheddar cheese (this was amazing, I would have been really happy just to munch on this baby!) bbq short ribs, corn on the cob and some ghetto easy mac.
I just wasn't feeling the ribs. I didn't realize just how much pork my parents eat. I love getting pork chops out, I would rather have that over a steak, but I am just beyond "pigged" out at this point. I just picked at mine and may have hurt my Dad's feelings because I didn't eat his creation. (We are Italian believe it or not and tend to get insulted when people don't eat our food-I do it too, so I know he was upset, but I have listen to my body and it wasn't having it). I didn't eat the corn either, since I'm not a big corn on the cob fan and after one ear on Saturday I've had my fix for a while. And for the mac? Well, let's just say I'm the only girl who can mess up a package of easy mac. Make mac and cheese from scratch? sure thing! only add 2/3 a cup of water to some noodle and microwave? nope, can't do it. Bletch to that mess too. Oh well, you win some you lose some right?

Hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday weekends! I'm still catching up with all your busy lives, but have been trying to comment again, just don't be shocked if I'm comment on events that happened 3 weeks ago!

Love to all,
~A needing less oink in her life, Jess


Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point said... Best Blogger Tips

i love that glamour shot. it makes me want to take a similar pic of m yself and put it up online just to prove a point, but i dont think my parents would like that LOL. real women are not airbrushed!!!

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