It all started out so well.
I had on a cute cold weather outfit
(Don't you think?)
We attended a great mass at St. Pat's since it was the last Gator Home Game (vs FSU nonetheless!) so you know you can't get me within 5 miles of downtown and unfortunately my beloved St. Augustine's is right across from the Swamp (make that Jess-0 Swamp-2 now! Grrr)
One smooth trek across town to Millhopper Square and we arrived at Beef o'Brady's just in time to verify that the Gators had indeed tromped the Noles again this year.
I was very excited to see that they had Sam Adams Winter Ale on tap, so you know I had to get a pint.
Oh so good. One of Sam's more drinkable beers in my opinion, just goes right now! ahhh ;)
I usually get a wing basket with fries and broccoli, no fail, the 2-3 times a year that I darken a Beef's doorway. (I'm not not that into what I call "generic American" food). But for some reason the Fresco Patty melt kept catching my eye. This is extremely odd, because I don't eat many hamburgers and very rarely out at a chain restaurant. But I decided that if that was what I was craving I should get it. With a side of broccoli of course.
Mistake. In so many ways: I had asked for only Swiss cheese -it comes with both American and Swiss and I thought that was rather excessive- thinking they would give me only 1 slice...oh no, I got two slices of cheese, that weren't anywhere near the overcooked burger, so therefore weren't melted at all, and promptly picked off. I think I'll stop here, because I'm just going to keep ranting.
Oh and the broccoli? It wasn't really even steamed, it was mostly warm....the texture of raw broccoli, but warm. Luckily I like broccoli in all forms, so I at it and picked at one half of my blah burger. (Dad and the doggies enjoyed the other 1/2 later).
I usually wouldn't post such a poor meal; I just wanted to warn others that Beef's isn't the place to go for beef. And if you know what is good at an average restaurant, honey you'd best stick with it!
Love to all,
~a too nice to send it back, Jess